Presenting on Common Core in Bulldog Country

Published by Adminidon on

I gave a presentation in Starkville, MS about innovative methods for teaching to the Common Core State Standards. I was excited to give this presentation because in previous years I have had the pleasure of interacting with many experts in different standards-based (or reform) curricula. This presentation is an accumulation of activities that I have found engaging and wanted to share with other teachers who may have not had exposure to these curricula. What I love about these activities is they capture the interest of students. You see students smiling while doing math because it feels like they are playing a game or (dare I say) having fun while they are doing some serious mathematics. Also I wanted to make the point that the Common Core is not an excuse to eliminate creative methods but a call to seek out and share creative activities to step up to the Common Core.  AND note I am not saying to just step up to the Common Core in mathematics but to the Common Core in general.  If we are to achieve what the Common Core has established in mathematics and English Language Arts, then we cannot be teaching in silos but need to think about how all standards can be met in all classes or even integrated classes.

Attached to this post are my slides from the presentation, and this is how to cite those slides:

Amidon, J. (September, 2012). Stepping up to the Common Core: Addressing the CCSS through innovative methods. Session at the fall conference of Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Starkville, MS.

Amidon Step Up to CCSS

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