Amidon Planet Podcast E025: Reflecting on a Year with Bryanna Hall

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Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.

John C. Maxwell

Given the uncertainty of the future when in the midst of a global pandemic, there is also the need to look at the past to consider how to do the future better. Given the space in my calendar that has opened up due to canceled events and the need for social distancing, it seemed like the appropriate time to do some deep, and necessary reflection on my own teaching…which is shared on the podcast!

This episode is the first in a series of episodes about being a reflective teacher with this episode being a reflection on this past year of teaching with my teaching partner and current graduate student at The University of Mississippi, Bryanna Hall. Together we discuss what happened this past year, what went well, and what didn’t. We will also plan for the future and discuss what do we want to keep doing, what do we want to stop doing, and what do we want to start doing.

I also briefly describe how I am attempting to listen and learn about anti-racist pedagogy as the country is attempting to dismantle systemic racism in the United States.


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Books and Films

How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi (Website for the Book)

Not Light, But Fire: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversations in the Classroom by Matthew R. Kay

The Long Shadow A film by Frances Causey

Categories: podcast