Amidon Planet Podcast E010: An Opportunity to Develop

Published by Adminidon on

What are the milemarkers on you path to developing as a professional?

This episode of the podcast is a bit different. In early October, I had the opportunity to present and attend the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Regional Conference in Nashville, TN. Also at the conference were my co-presenters (#CelebrateTheStruggle) and some of my students from a course I am teaching at the University of Mississippi on how to teach mathematics in the elementary school. Given the unique mix of people in attendance and my own joy associated with attending a good conference on teaching mathematics, I asked all those folds to share with me something that stood out to them at the conference, what they learned from that experience and how it may impact their future classroom/students. I love this episode and am so glad to share these moments as an illustration of the kinds of things that folks learn in attending an experience full of opportunities to develop as a professional AND as inspiration for other folks (that means you) to seek out opportunities to develop as a professional.


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Opening, Purpose, & Overview – 0:00
5 Interviews – 9:20
My Learnings – 52:29
Conclusion/Support the Podcast – 59:30


Amidon Planet Store
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
NCTM Regional Conference – Nashville, TN
5 Ways to Promote Productive Struggle in the Mathematics Classroom
Stoking the Fire: Putting your reason for teaching to work in the classroom.

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